Design Tips for Creating a High-End Outdoor Fireplace in Brookhaven

Outdoor fireplaces are installed for their warmth and the cozy ambience they create. They can be incorporated into snug outdoor living rooms, inviting people to gather around and relax while protecting them from the evening chill. Fireplaces often serve as focal points to which the surrounding furniture and hardscaping elements are anchored.

Choosing the right fireplace design for your Brookhaven, NY, outdoor room can be overwhelming, considering the variety of sizes, styles and finishes available. One thing to keep in mind is that the fireplace material you choose needs to withstand extremely high temperatures and resist exposure to any kind of harsh weather. It would also be beneficial to select materials that allow soot and ashes to be brushed or hosed off. Here are a few other design tips for creating an impressive fireplace that will take your outdoor entertainment to the next level.

Choose the best possible location

To achieve a truly magnificent outdoor experience, pair your fireplace with the best view your landscape can offer. However, your choice should also be influenced by practical factors like the availability of space, the height of the land, privacy, and wind direction. As you survey your property for the ideal spot to set up your fireplace, you should carefully explore the characteristics of each location.


For example, the location should be a safe distance from your home and other important structures such as garages and sheds. Ensure that you also steer clear of any trees and overhanging branches. If you are considering building your fireplace on an existing deck, you should ensure that it is strong enough to hold the weight of the fireplace. Another thing to keep in mind is that a wooden deck could also be a fire hazard, and that it should be covered in heat-proof masonry. An outdoor fireplace should always be built on level ground to ensure that it bears a sturdy foundation.

Select the right size

Design Tips for Creating a High-End Outdoor Fireplace in Brookhaven, NY

You can customize the height and size of your outdoor fireplace to achieve your desired aesthetic. While some homeowners opt for tall majestic chimneys, others prefer their fireplaces to be sleek and compact for modern flair. The perfect size for your outdoor fireplace will also depend upon the size of your outdoor room, as it will be tasked with warming every inch of the space. The location of your seating options, your entertaining needs, and the amount of heat you want to create will also influence the size of your fireplace. Wood-burning fireplaces require a tall chimney, while gas-burning fireplaces do not. Consider which type of fireplace best suits your vision for the design of your fireplace.


Opting for the right materials

The most popular materials for outdoor fireplaces range from cast concrete and brick to stucco and natural stone. The materials you choose for the construction and finish of your outdoor fireplace depend on your preferred aesthetic and the style of your home. As a rule of thumb, your hardscape should always complement your home and should never detract from it.