Common Swimming Pool Design Flaws

Many homeowners are keen on their own custom designs for their future pool, but there are some flaws that often go unchecked until the design is materialized and put to the test in the real world. Here are some design mistakes to watch out for when selecting a shape, style and location for your Long Island, NY swimming pool.

Hard to reach corners

If you’re relying on an automated pool cleaner, a corner or area that the vacuum head struggles to reach is vulnerable to algae growth and collecting debris. Hard to reach corners are often a problem with elaborate geometric designs and in pools where there is a gap between the end of the steps and the wall of the pool. Other structural additions to the pool, such as splash pools and built-in seating can also pose a problem. Occasionally this problem can be countered with the addition of an extra length of pool pipe, but not always. Simple designs, rounded or shaved corners and steps that extend all the way from one side of the pool to the other can help eliminate these tricky areas.

Common Swimming Pool Design Flaws Long Island NY

Too much or too little shade

Shade can be a sought after commodity in your pool during hot summer days and can contribute to greater use of your pool, safer levels of sun-exposure and greater privacy in your swimming area. On the other hand too much shade can make your pool cold and unwelcoming even on the hottest days and force swimmers away from your pool and into the sun seeking warmth. To ensure a good balance of shade and sun, consider erecting a poolside pergola. A small patch of shade along one edge of the pool, or a shaded corner is all the shelter needed for a quick reprieve from the summer sun.

Overhanging trees

Trees hanging over your pool are only a problem if they provide too much shade as outlined above, or if they are prone to dropping their leaves into your pool. This can add some serious maintenance hours to owning a pool and cause your automated pool cleaner some strain as well. To counter this, you might have to trim back your trees, or consider a new location for your pool. If you’re relying on the trees for shade, consider a poolside pergola instead.

Steps that take up too much space

Plenty of step space for lounging and wading is definitely not a problem if the purpose of your pool is relaxation. However, if your intention is to get some exercise in your pool doing laps, the last thing you’ll want to have to worry about is bumping into steps. If you’re a serious swimmer, a ladder will suffice as an entry/exit point for your pool, but for most people a better solution is an L or Easy L shaped pool where the steps can take up ample space without compromising the length of your pool.

Related: 5 Reasons You Need A Beach Entry Swimming Pool For Your Long Island Home

Soil run-off ending up in pool

Too much soil getting into your pool can contribute to high levels of waterborne bacteria, cloudy water and blocked filters. This can be a big problem in sloping gardens, but the solution is as simple as building a retaining wall with effective drainage, widening your poolside surrounds, or avoiding using soil in your poolside rock features.

Related: Choosing the Right Swimming Pool Design for your NY Home